Wednesday, November 5, 2008

hi ya,
A warm day not much work and a hell lotta thoughts in my head.
i am hungry and i am planning ahead.
Well for me i have to get somethings sorted out in my life. First need to quickly get some certification done, which i have been planning for months now and it doesnt seem to be working for me:)..

I need to start studying again... Well ..Its a toughie:)... To decide some things in life:).. But i dont have to make it so difficult:).. I am probably not ready and it's a good thing not to be ready infact, that means God's deciding it up there, just for you.

i have wasted so much time in sleeping and having fun I think it is time to wake up and do things that will get me higher:)...

Sleeping in the sense putting my mind at sleep, expecting something flowery to come along.

Life is full of sacrifices, never regret a decsion made or things that went bad. If you really wish for something it will land on ur doorstep, if at all you ever wished hard enough for it.

That all depends on us , the patience we have and the tests God will put us through, because nothing in this world comes easy.

Life's best gifts dont come in the most attractive ways. We all love, lose , hope, win and that's the part of life. Now i wish i had done some things diffrently but then now i know that it was for my growth as a person and as a human being.. All that we become is result of all that we were.
i really have to want somethings and go through life as it comes, and sadly i will never truely get what i really want, and imperfections are there in everything.

There are 2 things, things might turn out well in the short term or in the long term just have to see what is best for us and live life that way, and expect nothing from life.

Love ya all,

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